Well, things are evolving. Not that much fast, but I can't complain. I spent this time( almost 5 months since the last post) working for a couple of studios, writing the book, reading! and doing art studies that I won't show you for now cause I decided to put all of it together and write another book! Yes, a second one. An anatomy book for artists.
Honestly, this second book came to mind for two reasons: First, there are many studies done here; so why not compete with all the great masters of the past( laughing loudly right now)? And the second reason is ... the main book, the big project (let's call it that) needs a lot more time than I thought. Not just for writing and illustrating, but also for doing all the research. I really need to spend some time reading, reading, and reading. If I want to have a good foundation for extracting the right concept for the world I'm building (and I want to do it as accurately as possible), I need to be responsible and dive into all these references. So if I gather all this knowledge and share my process, my path, my routine - for all of you beginners and self-taught artists out there, I'm sure it will be very, very useful.
One more time, this is really, REALLY, the craziest journey I've ever experienced as a pro. Living in the chaos! This is my life.
Thank you for reading this blog. I really appreciate. See you later!